Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Gradient Gives Back Foundation?

The Gradient Gives Back Foundation is a Minnesota-based 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that offers up to 12 months of rent/mortgage payments to families across the US (in partnership with financial service professionals) who need a hand-up due to no fault of their own.

I submitted an application. What happens next?

Thank you for sharing your story! We receive a high volume of applications, so a careful review process ensures the applicant aligns with our program goals and regional resources. You'll be contacted by phone or email if your application moves forward. Applying does not guarantee any type of funding.

Can I receive an update on my application status?

Due to the high volume, we cannot provide individual application updates at this time. We will contact you within 4-6 weeks if your application is selected for further consideration.

Are there application deadlines?

We accept applications year-round. The submission date doesn't affect your review process.

Can I start my application and finish it later?

Yes! Once you enter your name and email you'll receive an access code via email. Use this code to return and complete your application for up to 2 weeks after the start date. Completed applications cannot be edited.

What is the program availability by region?

The Gradient Gives Back Foundation partners with financial services professionals across the US. We're constantly expanding our reach! We encourage you to apply regardless of your location.

Who is eligible for assistance?

We support US families facing hardship through no fault of their own. Recipients must be at least 18 years of age or older.

What kind of funding is offered?

The Gradient Gives Back Foundation provides up to 12 months of housing payments directly paid to your lender or landlord.

Is someone asking you to apply? Be scam-aware.

Gradient Gives Back Foundation representatives may reach out to potential candidates to encourage them to apply, but we will NEVER request money. The only legitimate application method is through our official website. If you feel you have been impacted by an internet scam related to Gradient Gives Back, contact the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Center at

How can I partner with Gradient Gives Back?

We would not be able to fulfill our mission without our partners. If you would like to make an individual contribution, click here. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. Please contact for any other inquiries.

Who can I reach out to with questions?

Please reach out to

The Foundation

Gradient Gives Back Foundation is a Minnesota-based non-profit organization that supports the Gradient Gives Back Community Outreach Program and devotes its resources to assisting Americans.

Take Action

We are proud to award 100% of all donations to underprivileged American families.

Let Us Know

Click here to complete our application and/or nominate a deserving family today.